View Full Version : Puppy

06-05-2004, 09:18 PM
Hey guys, long ago when I used to post I talked about getting a puppy, well of course law school would not let that happen, but now it's summer and I'm officially done with my first year, so I finally got a puppy to celebrate...WTF was I thinking!!!! :confused:

I got a little 4lb Yorkshire Terror...I mean Terrier. I named him Goku :roll: I've had him for about 5 weeks now. He's cute as hell but stubborn and far from housebroken. Well it's my very first pet...well first to live (of course there was the fish, turtle, and that poor kitten that didn't last a week, but I was young) Anyways any tips from veteren pet owners would be a big help. Thanks gang


06-06-2004, 04:07 PM
Well one thing is invest in some febreeze if he ain't housebroken. Gotta teach him whose boss early too, damn ankle biters heh. When he's a few more months says 6-7, if you got the cash enroll him in obedience class, goes a long way :bigthumb:

06-06-2004, 05:50 PM
Play the Harry Nilsson -The Puppy Song- and um.....I got nothing....

You cook dogs, right?

If this was a Horsedog Be would be all over this post.....

06-07-2004, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by Tybris@Jun 6 2004, 03:07 PM
Well one thing is invest in some febreeze if he ain't housebroken. Gotta teach him whose boss early too, damn ankle biters heh. When he's a few more months says 6-7, if you got the cash enroll him in obedience class, goes a long way :bigthumb:
Thanks Ty, trust I've bought my share of febreeze and carpet cleaner. Tomorrow he gets his last round of vaccines; then he'll be able to enroll in the next round of obedience classes at the PetSmart near me. I hope it helps. I also hear that getting him fixed helps too, but he won't be old enough for that for another 3months

06-07-2004, 07:59 PM
Well that depends really, it's a good idea so that they don't try and mark their territory in the house and won't be so aggresive, but other than that..not too many other reasons I know of.

06-07-2004, 08:41 PM
Don't forget the Harry Nilsson!! oh crap this Puppy is going to become a mess......Sorry Harry another Puppy down the crapper!

06-07-2004, 11:26 PM
It's going to take patience. Think of how far he's come along already. I hear PetSmart's classes are very good so definitely give him a chance to at least go through the class. I don't know if PetSmart told you but if you're not satisfied with your pups training, they will allow you to go through the class again with another trainer free of charge and if that doesn't work, there's a 100% money back guarantee...at least this goes for the PetSmart near me so definitely ask about it.

Good Luck with the lil guy.

"Goku, you gonna get the pop - pop" :roll:


PS: Theo says "Hi Auntie".