View Full Version : Shake it up Chief!

Cozmo D
06-28-2004, 12:40 PM
How 'bout that there earthquake...did ya feel it? :)

06-29-2004, 01:33 AM
it ain't often that the midwest gets a bit of the eq vibe. I should know, with geology in the repitiore and all. Its a decent EQ for the area and I am glad to hear of it again, caught it earlier on headline news.

Alaska had a 7.0 today too, busy day for the plates and plate boundaries, at least in the states that is. A collision is requisite, the time is the factor against it! So I am happy when time permits, its cool, just wish I could have felt it. I heard it made it to Mizzou and Iowa, just not Nebraska, but a 4+ ain't nothing to sneeze about, especially 70 miles off of chi-town!

Speak on the damn thing chief!

06-29-2004, 01:00 PM
yea..felt it..woke my drun errrrr happy ass up....dont know if it reached up to milwaukee..but it may have...weird ass feeling....thought the world was ending...thus the reason why i prefer tornados over hurricanes and earthquakes...the damn ground is not supposed to move....

06-29-2004, 02:14 PM
I didn't feel it, but a few friends of mine said they felt it a bit. Crazy stuff.