View Full Version : This is NOT a dream...it DreamerIbe

07-20-2004, 09:52 AM
ahhh to be home again!! *s*

I have been gone what seems like an eternity. I am way past behind on whats been going on here. I get in touch with FD here and there, but you guys should email me so I know whats going on!!!!! I miss you guys so much & email is the only link I have on a semi normal basis.

Life is life, not that all craziness....for now. Family is good, growing, but good. Have everyone in a half decent health and moving.

Things for me, well lets just say on top of all of that, i got....hmmm how do I say this....words....hmm.....attatcked, umm taken advantage of against my will. Nothing horrid like what first you might thing, just betrayed by a close friend, so on top of everything else, its hard for me to sit in places a long time, too much time to think....

Anyway, I hope everyone is ok. To all you New Folks...Welcome, Im sure you're loving it here, I know Hax, Coz, Be, and everyone have showed you what a great family we are.

I'll try to get back on when I can, but I wanted to stop by while I had some time. I miss you guys like terrible!! Don't worry I haven't given up on you guys, and you better not on me!!

PLease feel free to email, it doesn't have to a novel, just to say hey or whats going on around here so I can at least feel linked in until I can get around here more often.

Much love

Cozmo D
07-20-2004, 10:04 AM
LISA..BABE...glad ta see ya back for a minnit!!! :bigthumb: :wavey:

We've REALLY missed you around these here parts! :grouphug:

Sorry to hear about your being betrayed...hope you feel better in every possible way! :happysad:

07-20-2004, 08:01 PM
Good to hear from ya Lisa. Sat a spell, take ya shoes off. :wavey:

07-20-2004, 10:27 PM
Nice to see you back Lisa. Now we can have a most wonderful tea party. You bring the tea i'll bring the madness.

07-22-2004, 08:55 PM
Deffinately sorry to hear about your friend, been there. The personals are personal or course so I don't know your exacts, but mine just stabbed me when from go I asked him to step off. That's all egyptian now tho, it was all for the best. Glad to see you pop in when you can, like everyone says we miss ya round these parts. :grouphug:

07-23-2004, 11:54 AM
Aww thanks for the warm wishes guys Coz, Louis, & Tybris. haha, Lum most definatly!! Mad tea parties are the BEST!

yeah I know I feel like I've been in the twilight zone for the past few months but I'm trying to tread water to the surface to get things somewhat back to normal for me. I can't beleive I've been away so long!
