View Full Version : Harm's Personal Experience of the Day

08-02-2004, 09:28 PM
I had to leave work early today because I was not feeling too well. :tinker: It was painful to walk because of what I thought was simply a zit. I’ve never had one this painful before so I had my wife call and make me a doctor’s appt. on my way home. Well, turns out I had an infected sebaceous cyst between my upper pelvic bone and my left leg. It had to be lanced and now, frankly, it’s painful to simply lie down, let alone stand up, walk, and/or sit (especially not sit). I never could have imagined the pain involved in getting a Novocain shot in that general area. I really feel for my wife having gone through three pregnancies now. :sad: Literally. :moon: That freaking hurts like nothing I have ever experienced nor care to experience again.

OK, so that was probably way too much personal information there, huh? I'd show pictures, but (with the exception of syxx, liz, lisa, maybe a few others) y'all really don't want to see that from a big red haired dude. :ohnoes9:

I'd embarrass you and make you jealous ;)

Cozmo D
08-02-2004, 10:26 PM
OUCH! :sad:

08-03-2004, 11:09 AM
Are you sure, Harm, that the cyst was all that they...uhmm..."lanced?" ;) :kekeke:

08-03-2004, 11:27 AM
Yes. Quite sure :)

08-10-2004, 10:40 AM
A brain is a terrrible thing to taste, without Miracle Whip.