View Full Version : i just lived one of the coolest days ill ever have

08-08-2004, 04:21 AM
wow....where to begin......cool tunes....jokes.......food....showing be how to get into dumont(and barely succeding).....showing be how to get from dumont to the parkwayat 3 am (he saw the parkway north sign before i did ..i almost left him lost in north jersey cuz i kept hitting the wrong roads....... :rofl: :rofl: )coz you were right,,,,I CANT DRIVE :roll: :roll: :roll: ...getting my sorry ass lost in maywood....(didnt get home til 4 10 am......)...the coolest (and only) block party ive ever been to.....took photos......of me be coz and coz fam and friends....hope they come out well.....bes kick ass tastes in music....the 711 in dumont......getting to see point pleasent rocked too! :rock: ...and i got to show him my homestead(i,e. drive past it semi conciouslley :bigthumb: )...coz it was great seeing you and the fam again......be,,...being cooped up in a car with you for over six hours was an absolute awesome expierience and i swear to god it felt like 30 minutes each way!....man if only frek had been along with us....you guys made my summer :grouphug: :bigthumb: :bigthumb: :bigthumb: :bigthumb: :bigthumb: :bigthumb: :bigthumb: :bigthumb: :bigthumb: :bigthumb:

oh and happy birthday coz.... :wavey:

08-08-2004, 07:42 AM
Now I'm jealous.

Don't suppose any of you guys are coming to my house on the 28th, are you? 4 hours from north jersey (my in-laws live in Flanders)...

Cozmo D
08-08-2004, 10:33 AM
I'm contemplating it...I have a semi commitment on the 26th though. :)

08-08-2004, 05:16 PM
the pm dawn bus will be leaving early that morning....coz...i'll save you a seat if ya want me to....6...i'll meet you at the usual spot

08-08-2004, 06:57 PM
That will be very cool.

You guys have any food requests?

08-12-2004, 01:25 AM
fish & salads for the cordes crew

08-13-2004, 03:20 AM
Nice, I'm jealous too. We are so isolated over here on the west coast, hell even when I was in Texas. One day, I swear we're gonna head out there and we'll have an even bigger party. :beer: :beer: :beer: :sleep:

08-13-2004, 07:14 AM
To be honest, Ty, I'm jealous that you're out there and I'm not. I'm originally from Seattle and would move back in a heartbeat if I could get a good stable job like I have now.

08-13-2004, 09:06 AM


Can't wait to see the pix... Hope you have plans on post'n'em!!



I've never been to a block party, niether!
I hope I get the chance to partake in one before life runs out of this vessel of mine!!

Sounds like ya'll had a blast... I also am JEOLOUS...
Can't wait to meet you guys and run over ya'll feet with my whellchair!!

08-13-2004, 11:00 PM
harm...unfortunately i cant get either day off that weekend to go so ill wish you the best of luck and give ya best wishes...(Thanks for the offer anyway -for the invite harm...and for the ride be..... :bigthumb: